Below is a list of the plants we grow and when they will be available. Feel free to contact us anytime in the spring to get specifics about what is currently available. Exact availability dates and quantities depend on germination, weather, farm scheduling and the many other factors that exist when working with nature. Since we live in the Northern Sacramento Valley, we grow for a wide range of elevations and climates, but we grow what we know will do well in a similar climate to our own in zone 9b. If you want to know when we recommend you plant at your house, just ask!
$5 per single 3” pot
$8 per single 4” pot
$10 per 6-pack
$15 per gallon pot
Cool Season starts
Kale: Lacinato , White Russian , Siber Frill, Ethiopian and cut and come again mixes.
Other greens: Celery, Swiss Chard, Bush Beans, Radicchio, Bunching Onions, Onions (limited.)
Lettuces: Various head lettuces and cut and come again varieties
Beets: Red & Gold varieties
Brassicas: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower (limited), Romanesco (limited)
Herbs: Cilantro, Dill, Sage, Echinacea, Yarrow, Comfrey, Spearmint, Zataar Oregano
Beneficial Flowers & Perennials: Tagetes Marigold, Alyssum, Calendula, Cosmos, Nasturtium, Tansy, Santolina, Shasta Daisy and more!
There’s still time to get a late zucchini crop so we’ll have Green Zucchini starts too!
Warm Season starts
These should not be transplanted outside without cover until mid-April or when nighttime temperatures stay above 50 degrees.
Tomatoes: San Marzano, Brandywine, Mortgage Lifter, Big Beef Plus, Green Zebra, Dr. Whyche’s yellow, Galahad
Cherry Tomatoes: Black Cherry, Sungold, Cherry Bomb, Verde Tomatillos, Goldie Ground Cherries (goldenberries)
Herbs: Genovese Basil, Cilantro, Parsley, Chive, Dill, Oregano, Thyme, Zataar, Echinacea, Mullein, Comfrey, Hyssop, Sage, Spearmint
Cut flowers: Sunflowers galore both with pollen and without for cut arrangements or beneficial applications.
Beneficial flowers: Lemon Gem Marigold, Sweet Alyssum, Kaleidoscope Nasturtium, Calendula, Borage, Clary Sage, Phacelila, Shasta Daisy,
Cucumbers: Lemon, Suyo Long, Marketmore
Eggplant: Little Finger, Traviata, *Kamo Kamo (*Kamo is one of the few non organic varieties we grow)
Summer Squash: Yellowfin, Black Beauty
Sweet Peppers: California Wonder, Lunchbox, Picnic Orange, Shishito
Hot Peppers: Ancho Poblano, Anaheim, Hidalgo Serrano, Hungarian Hot Wax, Jalapeno, Peruvian Purple, Korean Hot
Beans: Provider Bush Beans, Royal Burgundy Bush Beans, Red Noodle Pole Beans, Green Yard Long Pole Beans
Okra: Clemson
Melons: Baby Doll (Yellow flesh), Crimson Sweet, other orange and green fleshed types TBD
Winter Squash: Oregon Homestead Sweet Meat, Red Kuri
Pumpkins: Champion, Howden,
What to know about our nursery starts
In some cases, we do recommend shade net to prevent burns on fruiting tomatoes and peppers in our intense summer heat of Zone 9b
All plants listed were started with Organic seeds and practices unless otherwise noted.